Survey/ Regulatory Action BriefsSearch This List
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ACTION BRIEFS provide highlights, specific information, tips, and resources about a particular topic
NEW! Facility Assessment ChecklistYou must log in to access content.
NEW! Facility Assessment § 483.71 Action Brief
Provides information nursing facilities need to conduct a facility assessment.
Training Requirements §483.95
Purpose and Intent of §483.95: Explains the training requirements for staff, volunteers, and contractors.
Taking Photos or Videos in SNFs_483.10(e)Purpose and Intent of 483.10(e): To provide guidance on the use of photographs and videos in SNFsYou must log in to access content.
Resident Assessment §483.20Provides information on the requirements related to resident assessments.You must log in to access content.
Pharmacy Services §483.45Purpose and Intent of §483.45: Explains the changes to medication and pharmacy services.You must log in to access content.
Trauma- Informed Care §483.25 (m)A new regulation, F699: §483.25(m) trauma-informed care (TIC), will be implemented through Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Phase 3 section of Requirements for Long Term Care Facilities.You must log in to access content.
Care Planning § 483.21Learnings from Comprehensive Care Plan DeficienciesYou must log in to access content.
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