New Users
- Create an account, click the link, and follow the prompts. *IMPORTANT* If your facility is a member of AHCA, please list your facility in your profile to reflect your membership.
- Once you have created your account, first-time users need to log into their account so that our system can recognize the new user/account.
- Select the content you wish to access and click the Register Here button. A prompt will appear on the screen asking to register now or complete the registration later.
- The content you wish to purchase or register for can be located in your "cart" under your name. Follow the prompts to complete the registration process.
- Access your purchased content by selecting "Dashboard" and then selecting “My saved work”, at any time.
- Should you have issues with payment or questions please feel free to email educate@ahca.org for assistance.
- Forgot your password? Click here to reset.
*Note some content is only available to AHCA members only. Unsure if you are a member of AHCA contact your State Healthcare Association to confirm or request membership.
Returning Users
- Users will need to log in using their existing email and password first. Can't remember what email you used to register? Feel free to email educate@ahca.org. We will happily assist!
- Once logged in to the website, you can register for our webinars, training, and resources.
- Select the content you wish to access and click the Register Here button at the top right of the page. A prompt will appear on the screen asking to register now or complete the registration later.
- The content you wish to purchase or register for can be located in your "cart" under your name. Follow the prompts to complete the registration process.
- Access your purchased content by selecting "Dashboard" and then selecting “My saved work”, at any time.
- Should you have issues with payment or questions please feel free to email educate@ahca.org for assistance.
- Forgot your password? Click here to reset. Forgotten your username? No worries we can look you up; contact educate@ahca.org for assistance.
*Note some content is only available to AHCA members only. Unsure if you are a member of AHCA contact your State Healthcare Association to confirm or request membership.
Recommended For You
For more accurate results update you profile listing.
Helpful Tips
- Register for as many online courses and webinars as you'd like. All of the items you have registered for will be found in your "My Saved Work" page.
- Update your "Interest Categories" in your Profile. Doing so will ensure that your "Recommended for You" page will populate content that interests you.
- Too many courses in your Dashboard? Users can favorite/star the course to pick up where they left off or revisit a favorite webinar for a refresher.
ahcancalED is an AHCA/NCAL member benefit created for their use. AHCA/NCAL will occasionally offer some critical educational offerings to non-members as a benefit for the profession.
Office Hours
Our mailboxes are monitored continuously Monday through Friday between the hours of 9 AM EST to 4 PM EST and you will receive a reply during those hours. Emails received after hours or during this period will receive a response the next business day:
Our office will be closed on these dates.
- January 1 - New Year's Day
- January 15 - Martin Luther King's Birthday
- February 19 - President's Day
- May 27 - Memorial Day
- June 19 - Emancipation Day
- July 4 - Independence Day
- September 2 - Labor Day
- November 28 - Thanksgiving Day
- November 29 - Day After Thanksgiving
- December 25 - Christmas Day
Contact educate@ahca.org and we'll walk you through it.
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Log in using your ahcancal username and password.