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AHCA Hosts Enhanced Barrier Precautions Open Office Hour with the CDC

Recorded On: 06/10/2024

On March 20, 2024, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued QSO-24-08-NH, providing guidance for State Survey Agencies (SSAs) and Nursing Homes on the use of EBP to align with nationally accepted standards. This guidance is incorporated into F880 Infection Prevention and Control and was effective April 1, 2024.

 AHCA is hosting a member-only webinar on Wednesday June 5th with a panel of experts from the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) to review your questions about Enhanced Barrier Precautions. If you have questions about EBP, or would like to listen in to hear questions from other providers? Register today!

Registration is available to AHCA/NCAL members. 

Follow the Instructions Below to Register: 
  • To avoid technical problems, use Google Chrome. 
  • Members will need to log in using their existing email and password first. 
  • Once you are logged in to the website you will be able to register by clicking the green register button at the top of the page. 
  • If you have forgotten your password click here
  • If you are new to the site, you can create an account here. Answer all fields on the create an account page- especially locating your company name. You can search by name or zip code. After creating an account, you will be able to register.
A certificate of attendance will be available after the webinar (No CEs). 
Email if you need assistance.

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