Perception vs. Reality: The Quality Award Program for Assisted Living Providers
Recorded On: 06/28/2023
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In a competitive and ever-changing market, assisted living providers must identify ways to stay a step ahead and stand out to potential customers and referral sources. The AHCA/NCAL National Quality Award Program provides the external validation necessary to set yourself apart from the competition. Historically, the Quality Award Program has been perceived as being only for skilled nursing centers. However, more assisted living communities than ever before are applying for and receiving the National Quality Award. In this webinar, we will break down the commonly cited barriers preventing assisted living communities from participating in the program and talk about the many free resources available to help assisted living providers succeed. Continuous quality improvement is possible, and the Quality Award journey can help you get there.
Learning Objectives:
- Participants will be able to describe the perceived barriers for assisted living participation in the program and how to overcome them.
- Participants will be able to summarize the free resources available to help assisted living providers succeed in the program.
- Participants will discover how participation in the program would benefit their organization.
Speaker: Pamela Truscott DNP/HSL, MSN/ED, RN, C-CNL, C-AL, QCP, DNS-CT, RAC-CT, CDP, Director of Quality Improvement, NCAL
Who Should View This Event:
Leadership (i.e. administrator, DON, etc.) at assisted living communities that are members of AHCA/NCAL.
© 2023 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved.
All Perception vs. Reality: The Quality Award Program for Assisted Living Providers materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.

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