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Revenue Cycle Management Academy (RCM)

Revenue Cycle Management Academy (RCM)

  • Registration Closed

ATTENTION: We are no longer accepting new registrations to this course. Those who are currently enrolled in continue with their access by logging in. This is conveniently stored in your Dashboard - My Saved Work

This training is intended for Billing/Accounts Receivable Staff, Staff with Revenue Cycle Management Roles, Administrators 

As reimbursement models move away from fee-for-service and toward value-based reimbursement, managed care, and more complex patient characteristic-based methodologies, ensuring your billing and/or accounts receivable staff have clear and consistent claims submission and claims follow-up guidance is critical. Without such structure, SNFs may receive less than the appropriate and accurate payment amounts as well as overall revenue targets. Developing Revenue Cycle Management processes will help facilities coordinate clinical and administrative functions necessary for successful revenue cycle management systems and improve patient outcomes while saving time and lowering administrative costs. 

In this Revenue Cycle Management Academy, will learn about topics such as claims submission, third-party follow-up, securing prior authorization, strategies to navigate managed care appeals processes, and best practices associated with coordinating with MDS coding leads.

  • Learn how to implement systems to assure proper and timely payment from all payers.     
  • Learn about the attributes of a high-performing RCM Team. 
  • Learn How to Use AHCA’s Medicare Advantage reimbursement management tools.
6.75 NAB CEs awarded upon successful completion of the program:
2+ Individuals (Same facility or corporate office) with 6.75 NAB CEs $200 per person. Individuals should contact to request this group discount.

© 2024 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved. 

All Revenue Cycle Management Academy materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.

Components visible upon registration.
Group Discounts Available for Individuals from the Same Facility or Corporate office: $300 per person
Email for more information. 

Please use Google Chrome for the best user experience. 

One individual can purchase multiple registrations for more participants by adding them to their cart during the checkout process. Please note, for this option to work, every participant will need to have an ahcancalED account first. 

To add several participants, please click the green button in the cart that says: 

 image . 

You will then be able to search for more than one participant using their email address. If the person making payment should not have access to the course, then you can remove yourself by clicking the red "remove" button by your name.


*Payment Tip: The price of the training will be based on each registrant’s member type (member or non-member). please be sure when you are paying with a credit card the bill-to and shipping address are the same* 

If you need assistance, please email

How To Access the Webinar:

Revenue Cycle Management Academy participants can log in to their course to access the live webinar and/or listen the subsequent recording. These additional 2023 webinars are bonus content and not mandatory to receive the CEs offered upon successful completion of the RCM Academy curriculum. 

 Not Yet Registered for RCM Academy…If you would like to view this webinar and have access to the entire RCM Academy curriculum and bonus RCM webinars throughout 2023, you can enroll at AHCA’s Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) Academy online training program takes a holistic interdisciplinary approach toward SNF revenue management. RCM Academy helps develop concrete strategies to secure earned dollars and to “stay paid” when thinking about managed care payment recoveries. RCM Academy helps SNFs: Prepare for the eventual phase down of COVID-related government assistance Stabilize and better manage a predictable revenue flow relative to overhead Stay paid when considering Medicare Advantage Plan payment recovery trends.