Behavioral Health and Trauma Informed Care
- Member - Free!
Phase 3 of the RoPs goes into effect on November 28, 2019. AHCA has developed resources to help you navigate the new requirements. This package includes resources applicable to Behavioral Health and Trauma Informed Care. Such as:
- Trauma-Informed Care: How Do I Start
- Trauma-Informed Care Providing Mental Health Services in Long Term Care
- Toward Better Behavior: Yours, Mine, and Everyone Else's
- Sex, Drugs and Rolling Walkers
- Sexuality and the Resident With Dementia
- Behavioral Health and Trauma Informed Care Action Briefs (available in Requirements of Participation Action Briefs)
© 2022 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved.
All Behavioral Health and Trauma Informed Care materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.
Contains 1 Component(s)
Trauma-informed care is a new requirement set forth in the Requirements of Participation Phase 3. This session will provide you with an introduction to the regulatory requirements. You will gain an understanding of what trauma-informed care is all about, including how to use trauma-informed care in practice, and how to partner with others in providing trauma-informed care.
Click the
button found in the upper right corner of your screen
Follow these three easy steps below!
Step 1
Click the orange log in button in the upper left hand corner.
Use your user name and password that you would use for LTC Trend Tracker or the AHCA NCAL website.
Don’t have an account or can’t remember?
Click the NEED HELP button and the next button that reads-“Are you new to the site? Create an Account”.
*Please note* you must add your member facility name to your login
Once you are in and can see your name in the upper left hand corner, you are ready to go!
Step 2
From the home page click on a category (Resources, Training, Webinars or On-Demand Training) For this demonstration, let’s try Webinars- Upcoming Live.
On the “upcoming webinars” page go to a product in which you are interested. Click the green REGISTER button.
Or click the title of the webinar and you will be redirected to the page where you can view the overview, handouts or resources associated with that product. You can also click REGISTER in the upper right hand corner. The content will be available in your dashboard.
Step 3
Almost there!
If the resource you are trying to access is a paid-for product, fill out the registration details and voila! The products are yours to use and can be found in your dashboard.
Need further help? Email us at educate@ahca.org
We’ll walk you through it.
Trauma-informed care is a new requirement set forth in the Requirements of Participation Phase 3. This session will provide you with an introduction to the regulatory requirements. You will gain an understanding of what trauma-informed care is all about, including how to use trauma-informed care in practice, and how to partner with others in providing trauma-informed care.
Speaker:Annette Wenzler, MBA, BSN, LNHA
Chief Nurse Executive
Signature HealthCare
© 2022 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved.
All Trauma-Informed Care: How Do I Start materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.
Annette Wenzler, MBA,BSN, LNHA (Moderator)
Chief Nursing Officer for Signature HealthCARE
Annette Craig Wenzler, MBA,BSN, LNHA has been involved in long term care since the early 90’s. She has had a rounded and successful career serving in a variety of roles including Director of Nursing, Nurse Consultant and Vice President of Clinical Services. She is currently the Chief Nursing Officer for Signature HealthCARE in Louisville, Ky. Annette graduated from nursing school with her BSN from Union University, Jackson, Tennessee and later obtained her Master’s in Business Administration with a focus in healthcare from University of Miami. Annette began her career in the acute-care setting and grew her career path by serving as the Director of Emergency Services and the as Director of the Cardiac Progressive Care Unit. Among her many accomplishments, she worked with others to develop and out-of-the-box clinical management process for the units and floors contained within the cardiac services. Creating change through a person-center direction is her passion and she has bee pursuing it since the mid-2000’s. Annette is a Certified Eden Associate and has presented multiple education sessions and training event with her organization as well as Pioneer Network and EDEN Alternative.
Contains 1 Component(s)
This session outlines the development of an effective Quality Assurance system designed to monitor the policies and practices that ensure a well-trained, culturally competent staff who possess the knowledge and skill sets to care for a diverse and complicated resident population. The potential for episodes of abuse and neglect when staff education, training, and oversight are insufficient is a focus of this conversation.
This session outlines the development of an effective Quality Assurance system designed to monitor the policies and practices that ensure a well-trained, culturally competent staff who possess the knowledge and skill sets to care for a diverse and complicated resident population.
The potential for episodes of abuse and neglect when staff education, training, and oversight are insufficient is a focus of this conversation.
Speaker:Barbara Speedling, Quality of Life Specialist
Free to AHCA/NCAL members
$75 for general public/ non-members
© 2022 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved.
All Trauma-Informed Care: Quality Assurance and Abuse Prevention Webinar materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.
Barbara Speedling
Quality of Life Specialist
Innovations for Quality Living
An inspirational and motivational speaker, Barbara is an author, educator and management consultant at the forefront of person-centered care. An innovator with more than 30 years of practical experience within the adult care community, she is the expert providers turn to when they want to ensure that the services they provide meet not only the physical needs of their residents, but their emotional and psychosocial needs as well. Working from a core belief in the dignity and individuality of all people, Barbara’s unique education and training programs have helped countless adult care communities achieve lasting improvements in quality care and quality of life. -
Contains 2 Component(s)
Ensuring staff understand and can recognize and accommodate the behavioral health needs of residents diagnosed with dementia, mental disorders, addictions, or other complicated psychosocial needs is important to the development of realistic, person-centered interventions. This session provides information and ideas on assessment and care planning, with a focus on the development of therapeutic, non-pharmacologic interventions.
Ensuring staff understand and can recognize and accommodate the behavioral health needs of residents diagnosed with dementia, mental disorders, addictions, or other complicated psychosocial needs is important to the development of realistic, person-centered interventions. This session provides information and ideas on assessment and care planning, with a focus on the development of therapeutic, non-pharmacologic interventions.
Speaker: Barbara Speedling, Quality of Life Specialist
© 2022 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved.
All Trauma-Informed Care: Behavioral Health Services Webinar materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.
Barbara Speedling
Quality of Life Specialist
Innovations for Quality Living
An inspirational and motivational speaker, Barbara is an author, educator and management consultant at the forefront of person-centered care. An innovator with more than 30 years of practical experience within the adult care community, she is the expert providers turn to when they want to ensure that the services they provide meet not only the physical needs of their residents, but their emotional and psychosocial needs as well. Working from a core belief in the dignity and individuality of all people, Barbara’s unique education and training programs have helped countless adult care communities achieve lasting improvements in quality care and quality of life. -
Contains 1 Component(s)
The new Federal regulations for Trauma-Informed Care challenge long-term care facilities to ensure that they are fully prepared to care for residents with complex clinical needs. This series offers an overview of the regulations and insight into staff education and training, assessment and care planning, and policy development. Assessing and care planning for residents impacted by trauma is a focus of this session.
The new Federal regulations for Trauma-Informed Care challenge long-term care facilities to ensure that they are fully prepared to care for residents with complex clinical needs. This series offers an overview of the regulations and insight into staff education and training, assessment and care planning, and policy development. Assessing and care planning for residents impacted by trauma is a focus of this session.
Speaker: Barbara Speedling, Quality of Life Specialist
© 2022 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved.
All Trauma-Informed Care: Addressing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Webinar materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.
Barbara Speedling (Moderator)
Quality of Life Specialist
Innovations for Quality Living
An inspirational and motivational speaker, Barbara is an author, educator and management consultant at the forefront of person-centered care. An innovator with more than 30 years of practical experience within the adult care community, she is the expert providers turn to when they want to ensure that the services they provide meet not only the physical needs of their residents, but their emotional and psychosocial needs as well. Working from a core belief in the dignity and individuality of all people, Barbara’s unique education and training programs have helped countless adult care communities achieve lasting improvements in quality care and quality of life. -
Contains 1 Component(s) Recorded On: 04/24/2019
This session offers a framework for developing an assessment and person-centered approach to care planning that will prove successful for this emerging population of younger, more complicated adults.
How to Register in ahcancalED
Easy as 1, 2, 3 !
click the
button found in the upper right corner of your screen or follow these three easy steps below!
Step 1
Go to the ahcancalED site at https://educate.ahcancal.org/and log in using the orange button in the upper left hand corner.
Use your usual user name and password that you would use for LTC Trend Tracker or the AHCA NCAL website.
Don’t have one or can’t remember?
Click the log in button and follow the directions found under the search button that reads-“If you need help retrieving your Username or Password, click here”.
*Please note* you must add your member facility name to your login
Once you are in and can see your name in the upper left hand corner, you are ready to go.
Step 2
From the home page click on a category (Resources, Training, Webinars or Trending Now) For this demonstration, let’s try hovering over Webinars until upcoming webinars displays.
Under “upcoming webinars” go to a product in which you are interested. Click on the title.
You’ll be redirected to the site where you can register for the product. This allows you to view the overview, handouts or resources associated with that product.
Step 3
Almost there!
Click the green “register” button.
Fill out the registration details and voila! The products are yours to use indefinitely and can be found in your dashboard.
FYI: after registering, you will be automatically notified when the recording of the webinar is ready.
Need further help? Email us at educate@ahca.org
We’ll walk you through it.
As the numbers of adult residents impacted by PTSD, mental disorders, brain injury, and substance use disorders continue to increase in long term care, ensuring staff possess the competency and skill sets to address mental health will take on a new significance. Maintaining a caregiving environment that supports positive psychosocial functioning requires that staff understand how PTSD, mental disorders, brain injury, and substance use disorders differ from dementia to ensure appropriate care and services are provided. This session offers a framework for developing an assessment and person-centered approach to care planning that will prove successful for this emerging population of younger, more complicated adults.
Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to:
1. Explain the importance of a holistic assessment in meeting the mental health needs of adult residents impacted by PTSD, mental disorders, brain injury, and substance use disorders; 2. Describe the systems and approaches utilized to improve access to clinical and psychosocial support and resources; and
3. Demonstrate how meeting the mental health needs of adult residents impacted PTSD, mental disorders, brain injury, and substance use disorder improves mood and behavior, and enhances quality of life.Speaker: Barbara Speedling, Quality of Life Specialist
© 2022 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved.
All Trauma-Informed Care Providing Mental Health Services in Long Term Care materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.
Barbara Speedling (Moderator)
Quality of Life Specialist
Innovations for Quality Living
An inspirational and motivational speaker, Barbara is an author, educator and management consultant at the forefront of person-centered care. An innovator with more than 30 years of practical experience within the adult care community, she is the expert providers turn to when they want to ensure that the services they provide meet not only the physical needs of their residents, but their emotional and psychosocial needs as well. Working from a core belief in the dignity and individuality of all people, Barbara’s unique education and training programs have helped countless adult care communities achieve lasting improvements in quality care and quality of life. -
Contains 1 Component(s) Recorded On: 07/24/2019
This session offers a variety of ideas for anticipating and developing common sense approaches to these contemporary challenges. Improving staff education and training in behavioral health and developing strategies to address common symptoms and reactions in mental health are a focus of this conversation.
How to Register in ahcancalED
Easy as 1, 2, 3 !
click the
button found in the upper right corner of your screen or follow these three easy steps below!
Step 1
Go to the ahcancalED site at https://educate.ahcancal.org/and log in using the orange button in the upper left hand corner.
Use your usual user name and password that you would use for LTC Trend Tracker or the AHCA NCAL website.
Don’t have one or can’t remember?
Click the log in button and follow the directions found under the search button that reads-“If you need help retrieving your Username or Password, click here”.
*Please note* you must add your member facility name to your login
Once you are in and can see your name in the upper left hand corner, you are ready to go.
Step 2
From the home page click on a category (Resources, Training, Webinars or Trending Now) For this demonstration, let’s try hovering over Webinars until upcoming webinars displays.
Under “upcoming webinars” go to a product in which you are interested. Click on the title.
You’ll be redirected to the site where you can register for the product. This allows you to view the overview, handouts or resources associated with that product.
Step 3
Almost there!
Click the green “register” button.
Fill out the registration details and voila! The products are yours to use indefinitely and can be found in your dashboard.
FYI: after registering, you will be automatically notified when the recording of the webinar is ready.
Need further help? Email us at educate@ahca.org
We’ll walk you through it.
As the long-term care industry faces major challenges in regulation, finance, and staffing, the shift in demographics to a younger, more complex, transient population has added another layer of stress. Resources to develop the type of care and service needed to address issues of long-standing mental disorders, substance use, addictions, and other behavioral health needs are in short supply. This session offers a variety of ideas for anticipating and developing common sense approaches to these contemporary challenges. Improving staff education and training in behavioral health and developing strategies to address common symptoms and reactions in mental health are a focus of this conversation.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to:
- Describe the impact of the changing demographics in long term care on quality of life and quality of care;
- Explain the increasing complexity of social and ethical considerations in matters concerning capacity, advance directives, sexual expression, and medical marijuana;
- Develop a well-trained, competent staff prepared to meet the needs of a diverse and ever-changing population.
Intended Audience: Appropriate to all disciplines and positions
Speaker: Barbara Speedling, Quality of Life Specialist
© 2022 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved.
All Sex, Drugs and Rolling Walkers materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.
Barbara Speedling (Moderator)
Quality of Life Specialist
Innovations for Quality Living
An inspirational and motivational speaker, Barbara is an author, educator and management consultant at the forefront of person-centered care. An innovator with more than 30 years of practical experience within the adult care community, she is the expert providers turn to when they want to ensure that the services they provide meet not only the physical needs of their residents, but their emotional and psychosocial needs as well. Working from a core belief in the dignity and individuality of all people, Barbara’s unique education and training programs have helped countless adult care communities achieve lasting improvements in quality care and quality of life. -
Contains 1 Component(s) Recorded On: 09/10/2019
This session provides a shared human and clinical perspective on how to approach matters of sexuality for all residents, but with focused considerations for those with dementia or other special needs. The matters of consent, capacity and resident education will be addressed. Suggested approaches will be offered for care planning for issues involving suspected sexual abuse, cases of unwanted sexual contact or contact in circumstances where one or both parties lack capacity to consent.
How to Register in ahcancalED
Easy as 1, 2, 3 !
click the
button found in the upper right corner of your screen or follow these three easy steps below!
Step 1
Go to the ahcancalED site at https://educate.ahcancal.org/and log in using the orange button in the upper left hand corner.
Use your usual user name and password that you would use for LTC Trend Tracker or the AHCA NCAL website.
Don’t have one or can’t remember?
Click the log in button and follow the directions found under the search button that reads-“If you need help retrieving your Username or Password, click here”.
*Please note* you must add your member facility name to your login
Once you are in and can see your name in the upper left hand corner, you are ready to go.
Step 2
From the home page click on a category (Resources, Training, Webinars or Trending Now) For this demonstration, let’s try hovering over Webinars until upcoming webinars displays.
Under “upcoming webinars” go to a product in which you are interested. Click on the title.
You’ll be redirected to the site where you can register for the product. This allows you to view the overview, handouts or resources associated with that product.
Step 3
Almost there!
Click the green “register” button.
Fill out the registration details and voila! The products are yours to use indefinitely and can be found in your dashboard.
FYI: after registering, you will be automatically notified when the recording of the webinar is ready.
Need further help? Email us at educate@ahca.org
We’ll walk you through it.
This session provides a shared human and clinical perspective on how to approach matters of sexuality for all residents, but with focused considerations for those with dementia or other special needs. The matters of consent, capacity and resident education will be addressed. Suggested approaches will be offered for care planning for issues involving suspected sexual abuse, cases of unwanted sexual contact or contact in circumstances where one or both parties lack capacity to consent.
Learning Objectives:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the regulatory requirements relative to Residents’ Rights for privacy, dignity and choice in matters of sexual expression;
- Create policy and procedure that supports compliance and quality care, addresses capacity and the special considerations for residents with dementia, mental illness or other cognitive or intellectual deficit; and
- Develop staff education and training programs that ensure sensitivity and appropriate accommodation of the human need for sexual expression.
Intended Audience: Appropriate to all staff, with a concentration on the clinical care team
Speaker: Barbara Speedling, Quality of Life Specialist
© 2022 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved.
All Sexuality and the Resident With Dementia materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.
Barbara Speedling (Moderator)
Quality of Life Specialist
Innovations for Quality Living
An inspirational and motivational speaker, Barbara is an author, educator and management consultant at the forefront of person-centered care. An innovator with more than 30 years of practical experience within the adult care community, she is the expert providers turn to when they want to ensure that the services they provide meet not only the physical needs of their residents, but their emotional and psychosocial needs as well. Working from a core belief in the dignity and individuality of all people, Barbara’s unique education and training programs have helped countless adult care communities achieve lasting improvements in quality care and quality of life.