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Pioneering Solutions to the Workforce Crisis

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By the year 2024, direct care workers are projected to add more new jobs in our economy than any other single occupation. Your ability to achieve and sustain a competitive edge in this difficult labor market will require intentional steps to be the employer of choice in your community. Together, we'll explore the demographics influencing the availability of workers, discuss threats stemming from other service sectors, and share a range of innovative practices from quick wins to longer term strategies that lead to significant improvements in recruitment and retention. 

  1. Explain the key factors contributing to the workforce shortage
  2. Identify at least 3 strategies to improve employee recruitment
  3. Identify at least 3 strategies to improve employee retention
  4. Explain the impact of supportive supervision on retention
Program Fees: 

AHCA/NCAL Member $25.00 

Nonmember $60.00

This Course Includes: 
  1. Recorded webinar, by instructor Sue Misiorki roughly 45 minutes
  2. PHI Resource – Younger Workers and the Direct Care Workforce
  3. PHI Resource – Older Workers and the Direct Care Workforce
  4. PHI Resource – Immigrants and the Direct Care Workforce
  5. PHI Resource - Men and the Direct Care Workforce
  6. PHI Orchard Cove Case Study
  7. PHI Growing a Strong Direct Care Workforce: Recruitment and Retention Guide for Employers
  8. Printable Certificate of Completion 

© 2022 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved. 

All Pioneering Solutions to the Workforce Crisis materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.

Sue Misiorski

New England Regional Director of Operations, SageLife

Sue got her start in long term care working as a Certified Nursing Assistant and Home Health Aide while attending nursing school at the University of CT.  She has drawn upon her roots as a caregiver as she has devoted her career to building relationship centered senior living communities where quality of life, quality of care and quality of jobs are the norm. 

Most recently, Sue served as Vice President of Workforce Innovations for PHI (Paraprofessional Healthcare Institute), the nation’s leading resource on the direct care workforce.  At PHI, Sue supported clients across the full continuum of long- term care services, specializing in person centered care, leadership development, and workforce strategies to improve recruitment and retention.

Prior to joining PHI, Sue held positions as Director of Nursing and Vice President of Nursing in multi-site skilled nursing homes in New England.  Sue has supported the construction and opening of several new assisted living and skilled nursing communities, and has extensive experience with regulations, daily operations, and systems implementation.

In addition, Sue is a national speaker on topics related to person centered care and recruitment and retention, is a collaborator with CMS on initiatives to improve quality of life, and an author of articles, curricula and handbooks on key topics relevant in senior living today.

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LTC Workforce Issues and Strategies [45 mins]
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Certificate of Completion
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No credits available  |  Certificate available