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Population Health Management Fundamentals

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Population Health Management (PHM) is a term that describes the application of various interventions and strategies aimed at improving the health outcomes and managing the costs of a targeted group of individuals.  PHM models vary based on the degree of risk, degree to which payment is tied to quality, reliance on data analytics, and level of care coordination. 

Historically population health models have been led by hospitals, health systems, physician groups and large insurance organizations.  More recently long-term care (LTC) and post-acute care (PAC) providers have been assuming a leadership role in developing and employing some PHM models.

This module is made up of two components:

Population Health Management Fundamentals Webinar: 42 minutes

This webinar describes the who, what, where, and how of Population Health Management (PHM). It also introduces various PHM models including their specific characteristics, benefits, and implications.

Population Health Management Brief: three pages, PDF
  • Provides an overview of population health management
  • Comparison of PHM and FFS
  • Outlines some of the major models and the level of risk categorization

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