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Refugee Workforce Partnerships in Long Term Care

Refugee Workforce Partnerships in Long Term Care

Refugee partnerships can provide great opportunities for all parties involved. This session will provide an overview of refugee workforce partnerships and efforts going on with a LTC provider, AHCA/NCAL state affiliate and a national refugee organization. More details can be found below.

  1. Hear from a LTC provider who works with the Grace Initiative, which helps to place Haitian refugees into jobs in Vermont.  The provider is currently hosting three refugees, and they are filling dietary and geriatric aide positions. More on this initiative can be found here: Grace Initiative Global (
  2. Arizona Health Care Association’s work with the refugee population in Arizona is through the AHCA WORKS (Workforce, Outreach, Retention are Keys to Success) grant. AHCA WORKS has joined with the Arizona State University, Education for Humanity Program that operates the Refugee Career Pathways for The Office of Refugee Resettlement, The Arizona Department of Economic Security’s Refugee Resettlement Program.  These three entities have developed a robust refugee NA training program with wrap around services that provide English as a second language in addition and in concert with their 120 hours of NA curriculum (taking the course to 320 hours). Further wrap around services are provided to assist with transportation, child care and other areas as needed by the student.
  3. Hear from the International Rescue Committee about Welcome Corps at Work, which is a program that matches employers in this country with skilled refugees in need of resettlement and enables refugees and their immediate families to relocate permanently to the United States. This program seeks to provide a sustainable, scalable solution to workforce and skills shortages among U.S. employers at absolutely no cost to the employers.
Learning Objectives:
  1. Identify resources that can support your organization in forming refugee partnerships.
  2. Better understand any potential obstacles that you might encounter in the refugee partnership process.
  3. Have the opportunity to get your pressing questions answered.
Session Speakers:
  1. Jeff Barrett, Director of Workforce and Leadership Development at the Arizona Health Care Association
  2. Patricia Horn, Community Executive Director at Cedar Hill Continuing Care Community
  3. Lakythia Ferby, Technical Advisor, Economic Empowerment (Workforce Development), Program Excellence (PE) at the International Rescue Committee (IRC)
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