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Trauma-Informed Care Providing Mental Health Services in Long Term Care

Recorded On: 04/24/2019


How to Register in ahcancalED 

Easy as 1, 2, 3 !

click the image button found in the upper right corner of your screen or follow these three easy steps below! 


Step 1


Go to the ahcancalED site at log in using the orange button in the upper left hand corner.

Use your usual user name and password that you would use for LTC Trend Tracker or the AHCA NCAL website.  

Don’t have one or can’t remember?

Click the log in button and follow the directions found under the search button that reads-“If you need help retrieving your Username or Password, click here”.

*Please note* you must add your member facility name to your login

Once you are in and can see your name in the upper left hand corner, you are ready to go.

Step 2


From the home page click on a category (Resources, Training, Webinars or Trending Now) For this demonstration, let’s try hovering over Webinars until upcoming webinars displays. 

Under “upcoming webinars” go to a product in which you are interested. Click on the title.

You’ll be redirected to the site where you can register for the product. This allows you to view the overview, handouts or resources associated with that product.

Step 3


Almost there!

Click the green register button.

Fill out the registration details and voila! The products are yours to use indefinitely and can be found in your dashboard.

FYI: after registering, you will be automatically notified when the recording of the webinar is ready.

Need further help? Email us at

We’ll walk you through it.


As the numbers of adult residents impacted by PTSD, mental disorders, brain injury, and substance use disorders continue to increase in long term care, ensuring staff possess the competency and skill sets to address mental health will take on a new significance. Maintaining a caregiving environment that supports positive psychosocial functioning requires that staff understand how PTSD, mental disorders, brain injury, and substance use disorders differ from dementia to ensure appropriate care and services are provided.  This session offers a framework for developing an assessment and person-centered approach to care planning that will prove successful for this emerging population of younger, more complicated adults.

Learning Objectives:  At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to:

1. Explain the importance of a holistic assessment in meeting the mental health needs of adult residents impacted by PTSD, mental disorders, brain injury, and substance use disorders; 2. Describe the systems and approaches utilized to improve access to clinical and psychosocial support and resources; and
3. Demonstrate how meeting the mental health needs of adult residents impacted PTSD, mental disorders, brain injury, and substance use disorder improves mood and behavior, and enhances quality of life.

Speaker: Barbara Speedling, Quality of Life Specialist

© 2022 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved. 

All Trauma-Informed Care Providing Mental Health Services in Long Term Care materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.

Barbara Speedling (Moderator)

Quality of Life Specialist

Innovations for Quality Living

An inspirational and motivational speaker, Barbara is an author, educator and management consultant at the forefront of person-centered care.  An innovator with more than 30 years of practical experience within the adult care community, she is the expert providers turn to when they want to ensure that the services they provide meet not only the physical needs of their residents, but their emotional and psychosocial needs as well. Working from a core belief in the dignity and individuality of all people, Barbara’s unique education and training programs have helped countless adult care communities achieve lasting improvements in quality care and quality of life.


04/24/2019 at 2:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 04/24/2019
04/24/2019 at 2:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 04/24/2019