F-Tag Action Briefs & More on ROP
On June 29, 2022, CMS released new guidance for Requirements of Participation Phase 3. Each week through October, AHCA will highlight a specific F-tag to help providers better understand the Phase 2 updates and Phase 3 new guidance. F-Tag Action Briefs feature implementation strategies and tips and complement weekly Focus F-Tag summaries. If you have questions, please contact regulatory@ahca.org.
Requirements of Participation (RoP): ToolsSearch This List
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Tools are an instrument designed to assist you in implementing the requirements
Policies & Procedures - Checklist of All RequiredThis tool provides a list of all required polices and procedures and a checklist of required information in the P&P.You must log in to access content.
The Requirements of Participation and Baldrige CriteriaThis document contains a crosswalk of the Baldrige Criteria and the Requirements of Participation.You must log in to access content.
The Requirements of Participation and Baldridge ConnectionIn implementing the Requirements of Participation (RoP), AHCA encourages member providers to take a step back and look at the big picture. At its core, the RoP are tied together by three key themes that focus on knowing your residents, your staff, and your center. Check this resource out to learn more!You must log in to access content.
Integrating the Requirements of Participation into Your Community Morning Meeting_Routine Monitoring Practices_Audits_QAPI Process ToolThis tool was created by the AHCA Survey & Regulatory Committee, with input from AHCA staff. The intent of this tool is to support Administrators, Directors of Nursing and the Interdisciplinary Team members with integrating the new CMS Requirements of Participation (RoP) into community practices. Although extensive, this checklist can be used to assist a community with RoP compliance, the AHCA Quality Awards journey, and potentially to increase CMS Five-Star ratings. For communities with a new Interdisciplinary Team, this tool may be used daily. As the team becomes familiar with the requirements, this tool may be used for auditing purposes and QAPI processes. For example, the Administrator could choose a section to review each day and cycle through it a few times until it becomes routine. Team members would become aware of requirements that are their responsibility and would be able to bring that information to the morning meeting, or to track and trend. Identified areas for improvement may be integrated into the QAPI program. Note that this is not an exhaustive list of requirements but is a guide to support daily operations and longer-term planning within your community. This tool can be used for the following: Agenda for Morning Meeting Assign sections to specific members of Interdisciplinary Team to report on Pathway to create auditing tools Review for QAPI Meetings A checklist for survey preparedness.You must log in to access content.
What is "Your Resident Profile"?
Purpose & Intent of § 483.70: Facilities need to know themselves, their staff, and their residents.
Comprehensive Person-Centered Care Planning – §483.21
Purpose & Intent: To develop a baseline care plan within 48 hours of admission to direct the care team while a comprehensive care plan is developed that incorporates the resident’s goals, preferences, and services that are to be furnished to attain or maintain the resident’s highest practicable physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being.
Requirements of Participation (RoP): Case Studies
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