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Catalog by Administrator CEs: NAB Approved CEs

  • Contains 105 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Upon successful completion of the entire program, participants will understand the role of the RAI in nursing homes, explain the process for completing the MDS, and complete an MDS assessment. This training will be updated periodically to incorporate annual and intermittent changes to the RAI Manual so that learners will have the most current guidance. Registration is AHCA Member: $349 Non-Member $549

  • Contains 152 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This series builds upon training and education administrators received in their Administrator in Training programs and clarifies the rationale behind the actions nursing facility administrators should take each day to effectively manage their facilities. Cost: $450 AHCA members and $650 Non-members.

  • Contains 6 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Four additional CMS skilled nursing facility value-based purchasing (SNF VBP) measures take effect October 1, 2024 that will determine Medicare Part A rates beginning October 1, 2026. These measures are in addition to the four measures already in place that impact rates starting on October 1, 2025. SNF VBP Essentials​ is a one-hour course that details the new CMS measures and discusses how CMS calculates VBP measures, risk adjustment, facility score and payment adjustments. Registration is $40 for members and $80 for non-members.

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    The Strengthening Facility Assessments to Adapt to Regulatory Changes webinar provides facility leadership with the regulations, the CMS guidance, operational considerations, and examples of things facilities have done to implement the new requirements. The webinar also offers a question and answer section, along with common myths vs. facts to assist facilities in fully understanding the updates to the Facility Assessment. Registration is $50 for AHCA/NCAL Member | $75 Non-members. NAB & IBON CEs awarded upon completion.

  • Contains 37 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Through this program, individuals will be specially trained to effectively implement and manage an Infection Prevention and Control Program in assisted living or skilled nursing centers. The cost is $450 for AHCA/NCAL members and $650 for non-members. If you are unsure of your member status, please email before making a payment.

  • Contains 37 Component(s), Includes Credits

    CMS Mandates Extra Training to Qualify as an Infection Preventionist. IPCO Delivers that Training! Become a specially trained and qualified Infection Preventionist by completing the American Health Care Association’s Infection Preventionist training. Cost: $450 AHCA/NCAL members | $650 Non-members. If you are unsure of your member status, please email before making payment.

  • Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits

    The Accidents Webinar will review regulations related to supervision to avoid accidents. It also pulls together various resources available on ahcancalED, as well as external resources. The Webinar provides resources for development of policies to remain compliant with accident regulations. Finally, real-life case studies will be reviewed with explanations for what facilities should do if similar events occur. This webinar is $30 for AHCA/NCAL members. $65 Non-members

  • Contains 18 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This course is aimed at reinvigorating your passion for long term care by providing you with tools and resources you can immediately use to decrease your perceived stress levels and help your team members do the same to aid with staff retention. Self-care is essential and is the key to self-managing stressful situations. If you are not taking care of yourself first, how can you be expected to take care of others.

  • Contains 12 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Creating Inclusive Communities for LGBTQI and HIV+ Older Adults

  • Contains 13 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) is a regulatory requirement, but it is also an approach to care that requires specific staff competency as well as a system of care delivery to achieve the intent of the regulation and provide the necessary support to care for residents who may suffer from trauma. This certificate program is designed to provide education that will assist the nursing home providers to implement TIC in their facility with staff who are appropriately trained and competent to care for residents who are at risk for re-traumatization.