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Catalog by Nurse CEs: IBON Approved CEs

  • Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits

    The Facility Assessment webinar begins by explaining the regulatory requirements of the Facility Assessment- it is mentioned over 100 times throughout the State Operations Manual! This information is built upon through explaining the relationship between the Facility Assessment and everything else facilities do on a day-to-day basis. The webinar reviews how to complete a facility assessment and how to then determine which competencies are necessary, based upon that assessment. A sample Facility Assessment is also provided as a resource along with many resources on Facility Assessments and competencies. Disclaimer: This webinar has not been approved by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) or any other federal or state agency. This webinar is not intended as legal or operational advice, nor should it be relied upon as advice with CMS or other government regulatory agencies. Registration is $50 for members and $75 for non-members.

  • Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits

    The Accidents Webinar will review regulations related to supervision to avoid accidents. It also pulls together various resources available on ahcancalED, as well as external resources. The Webinar provides resources for development of policies to remain compliant with accident regulations. Finally, real-life case studies will be reviewed with explanations for what facilities should do if similar events occur. This webinar is $30 for AHCA/NCAL members. $65 Non-members

  • Contains 18 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This course is aimed at reinvigorating your passion for long term care by providing you with tools and resources you can immediately use to decrease your perceived stress levels and help your team members do the same to aid with staff retention. Self-care is essential and is the key to self-managing stressful situations. If you are not taking care of yourself first, how can you be expected to take care of others.

  • Contains 34 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This course will define person-centered care and show how it is a key feature in PDPM and when implemented can improve care practices that lead to better patient outcomes. Registration costs is $150 AHCA/NCAL Members and $300 Non-members.

  • Contains 7 Component(s), Includes Credits

    The training helps managers and supervisors engage employees in solving work-related problems while empowering them to participate in decisions that impact their daily work. When implemented fully, PHI Coaching Supervision® has been shown to result in increased worker satisfaction and retention as well as improved quality of care.