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207 Results

  • Contains 1 Component(s) Includes a Live Web Event on 04/30/2025 at 2:00 PM (EDT)

    Attendees will learn the best practices and lessons learned as Idaho implemented their Certified Nursing Assistant program and as Ohio developed their Licensed Nursing Home Administrator program. Michelle Day, Equus Workforce Solutions, will share information about resources and technical assistance to help you get your program approved. This live webinar is available free to AHCA/NCAL members.

    During this AHCA/NCAL 2025 Long Term Care (LTC) Workforce Webinar Series, Erin Hart, Ohio Healthcare Association, and Robert Vande Merwe, Idaho Healthcare Association will share information about their Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs) and why they elected to become a program sponsor to support their employer members. Attendees will learn the best practices and lessons learned as Idaho implemented their Certified Nursing Assistant program and as Ohio developed their Licensed Nursing Home Administrator program. Michelle Day, Equus Workforce Solutions, will share information about resources and technical assistance to help you get your program approved.  Hope to see you at this important event that can help build your LTC workforce! 

    Learning Objectives:
    • Discuss the benefits of developing a Registered Apprenticeship Program.
    • Select best practice considerations for developing a new apprenticeship program.
    • Identify common situations that occur during implementation of an apprenticeship program.
    • Articulate the importance of intermediary and workforce system support.
    • Michelle Day, National Workforce Solutions Director, Equus Workforce Solutions
    • Robert Vande Merwe, MBA – Executive Director, Idaho Health Care Association
    • Erin Hart – Strategy Director, Ohio Health Care Association
    This live webinar is available free to AHCA/NCAL members.
    Instructions to Register: 
    • To avoid technical problems, use Google Chrome. 
    • Members will need to log in using their existing email and password first. 
    • Once you are logged in to the website you will be able to register by clicking the green register button at the top of the page. 
    • If you have forgotten your password click here
    • If you are new to the site, you can create an account here. Answer all fields on the create an account page- especially locating your company name. You can search by name or zip code. After creating an account, you will be able to register for the webinar. 
    Instructions to join, after registering:
    • On the day of the webinar, you will be able to join 15 mins before. 
    • Log in and return to the contents page to open the webinar.

    © 2025 American Health Care Association.  All rights reserved. All Why Registered Apprenticeship? How It CAN Help Build Your LTC Workforce materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement.  The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association. 

  • Contains 1 Component(s) Includes a Live Web Event on 04/03/2025 at 10:00 AM (EDT)

    As members of FHCQP, we have an exciting opportunity to partner on improving quality and payment for the more than 8,500 Florida Community Care residents living in our facilities! Please plan to join us to hear important details from the Florida Community Care team on their exciting Quality Bonus and Care Transition program being offered exclusively to FHCQP Network members!

    As members of FHCQP, we have an exciting opportunity to partner on improving quality and payment for the more than 8,500 Florida Community Care residents living in our facilities! Please plan to join us to hear important details from the Florida Community Care team on their exciting Quality Bonus and Care Transition program being offered exclusively to FHCQP Network members! 

    Who Should Join:

    FHCQP Network member ORGANIZATION and FACILITY level team members who are involved with Quality Improvement (DON, Administrators, Regional Nurses, QAPI Nurses, MDS, etc.). All FHCQP members are ENCOURAGED to join!


    Kara Gardenhire, Transitions of Care Program Manager
    Holly Prince, COO


    For your convenience, the Webinar is being offered at 3 times. Feel free to join one or more of these sessions (same content each session):

    Instructions to Register: 
    • To avoid technical problems, use Google Chrome. 
    • Members will need to log in using their existing email and password first. 
    • Once you are logged in to the website you will be able to register by clicking the green register button at the top of the page. 
    • If you have forgotten your password click here
    • If you are new to the site, you can create an account here. Answer all fields on the create an account page- especially locating your company name. You can search by name or zip code. After creating an account, you will be able to register for the webinar. 
    Instructions to join, after registering:
    • On the day of the webinar, you will be able to join 15 mins before. 
    • Log in and return to the contents page to open the webinar.
    Email if you need assistance.

    © 2025 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved. Materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.

  • Contains 1 Component(s) Includes a Live Web Event on 04/01/2025 at 3:00 PM (EDT)

    As members of FHCQP, we have an exciting opportunity to partner on improving quality and payment for the more than 8,500 Florida Community Care residents living in our facilities! Please plan to join us to hear important details from the Florida Community Care team on their exciting Quality Bonus and Care Transition program being offered exclusively to FHCQP Network members!

    As members of FHCQP, we have an exciting opportunity to partner on improving quality and payment for the more than 8,500 Florida Community Care residents living in our facilities! Please plan to join us to hear important details from the Florida Community Care team on their exciting Quality Bonus and Care Transition program being offered exclusively to FHCQP Network members! 

    Who Should Join:

    FHCQP Network member ORGANIZATION and FACILITY level team members who are involved with Quality Improvement (DON, Administrators, Regional Nurses, QAPI Nurses, MDS, etc.). All FHCQP members are ENCOURAGED to join!


    Kara Gardenhire, Transitions of Care Program Manager
    Holly Prince, COO


    For your convenience, the Webinar is being offered at 3 times. Feel free to join one or more of these sessions (same content each session):

    Instructions to Register: 
    • To avoid technical problems, use Google Chrome. 
    • Members will need to log in using their existing email and password first. 
    • Once you are logged in to the website you will be able to register by clicking the green register button at the top of the page. 
    • If you have forgotten your password click here
    • If you are new to the site, you can create an account here. Answer all fields on the create an account page- especially locating your company name. You can search by name or zip code. After creating an account, you will be able to register for the webinar. 
    Instructions to join, after registering:
    • On the day of the webinar, you will be able to join 15 mins before. 
    • Log in and return to the contents page to open the webinar.
    Email if you need assistance.

    © 2025 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved. Materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.

  • Contains 1 Component(s) Includes a Live Web Event on 04/01/2025 at 2:00 PM (EDT)

    CMS has updated the SNF Medicare Cost Report for the first time in 15 years. The new form is to be used for reporting periods ending on or after 9/30/25. This webinar is intended to educate AHCA members on the information they need to capture in their revenue cycle and financial systems to prepare for and file the new report. Registration is open to AHCA/NCAL members.

    CMS has updated the SNF Medicare Cost Report for the first time in 15 years. The new form is to be used for reporting periods ending on or after 9/30/25.

    This webinar is intended to educate AHCA members on the information they need to capture in their revenue cycle and financial systems to prepare for and file the new report.

    The cost report changes will allow CMS to refine SNF Market Basket modeling, have information for a possible SNF wage index, and most importantly break out Medicare Advantage and Managed Medicaid.  A few of the more substantial modifications include: 

    • Separate reporting of Medicare Advantage/Medicare HMO days, Medicaid HMO days, admissions, and discharges. 
    • Reporting of revenue for room and board and ancillaries for different payors, including Medicare Advantage and Medicaid HMO stays separately. 
    • Improvements to contract labor reporting. 
    This live webinar is available free to AHCA/NCAL members.
    Instructions to Register: 
    • To avoid technical problems, use Google Chrome. 
    • Members will need to log in using their existing email and password first. 
    • Once you are logged in to the website you will be able to register by clicking the green register button at the top of the page. 
    • If you have forgotten your password click here
    • If you are new to the site, you can create an account here. Answer all fields on the create an account page- especially locating your company name. You can search by name or zip code. After creating an account, you will be able to register for the webinar. 
    Instructions to join, after registering:
    • On the day of the webinar, you will be able to join 15 mins before. 
    • Log in and return to the contents page to open the webinar.
    Email if you need assistance.

    © 2025 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved. Materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.

  • Contains 1 Component(s) Includes a Live Web Event on 04/01/2025 at 10:00 AM (EDT)

    As members of FHCQP, we have an exciting opportunity to partner on improving quality and payment for the more than 8,500 Florida Community Care residents living in our facilities! Please plan to join us to hear important details from the Florida Community Care team on their exciting Quality Bonus and Care Transition program being offered exclusively to FHCQP Network members!

    As members of FHCQP, we have an exciting opportunity to partner on improving quality and payment for the more than 8,500 Florida Community Care residents living in our facilities! Please plan to join us to hear important details from the Florida Community Care team on their exciting Quality Bonus and Care Transition program being offered exclusively to FHCQP Network members! 

    Who Should Join:

    FHCQP Network member ORGANIZATION and FACILITY level team members who are involved with Quality Improvement (DON, Administrators, Regional Nurses, QAPI Nurses, MDS, etc.). All FHCQP members are ENCOURAGED to join!


    Kara Gardenhire, Transitions of Care Program Manager
    Holly Prince, COO


    For your convenience, the Webinar is being offered at 3 times. Feel free to join one or more of these sessions (same content each session):

    Instructions to Register: 
    • To avoid technical problems, use Google Chrome. 
    • Members will need to log in using their existing email and password first. 
    • Once you are logged in to the website you will be able to register by clicking the green register button at the top of the page. 
    • If you have forgotten your password click here
    • If you are new to the site, you can create an account here. Answer all fields on the create an account page- especially locating your company name. You can search by name or zip code. After creating an account, you will be able to register for the webinar. 
    Instructions to join, after registering:
    • On the day of the webinar, you will be able to join 15 mins before. 
    • Log in and return to the contents page to open the webinar.
    Email if you need assistance.

    © 2025 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved. Materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.

  • Contains 5 Component(s)

    The on-demand webinar, Preparing for Upcoming CMS Guidance Changes, walks learners through each of the changes to guidance, the updates to the Critical Element Pathways (CEP), and provides some tips/action items to remain compliant ahead of the effective date. This on-demand webinar is available free to AHCA/NCAL members and $65 non-members.

    November 18, 2024, the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released Revised Long-Term Care (LTC) Surveyor Guidance: Significant revisions to enhance quality and oversight of the LTC Survey Process. The memo included significant changes to guidance in Appendix PP related to the regulatory areas updated. The changes will be effective, and surveyors will begin surveying based on the updated guidance, February 24, 2025. The webinar, Preparing for Upcoming CMS Guidance Changes, walks learners through each of the changes to guidance, the updates to the Critical Element Pathways (CEP), and provides some tips/action items to remain compliant ahead of the effective date.

    This on-demand webinar is available free to AHCA/NCAL members and $65 non-members.
    Instructions to Register: 
    • To avoid technical problems, use Google Chrome. 
    • Members will need to log in using their existing email and password first. 
    • Once you are logged in to the website you will be able to register by clicking the green register button at the top of the page. 
    • If you have forgotten your password click here
    • If you are new to the site, you can create an account here. Answer all fields on the create an account page- especially locating your company name. You can search by name or zip code. After creating an account, you will be able to register for the webinar. 
    Instructions to Begin, after registering:
    • To open the on-demand webinar, click on the Contents tab. A copy of the presentation slides are also available to download.
    • After completion of a brief evaluation, you will receive a certificate of completion to print. No CEs awarded upon completion.
    Email if you need assistance. 

    © 2024 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved. Survey Preparation for the New Facilities Manager materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of the American Health Care Association.

  • Contains 3 Component(s)

    The IPCO Renewal Exam is open to AHCA/NCAL members for $200 and non-members for $450.

    Attention IPCO attendee, your IPCO certificate is about to expire.  To keep your certificate active, you need to take timely action steps to renew. There are two options for renewal:

    • Register here to complete the competency renewal exam.  You must receive at least an 80% or above to successfully receive the renewal certificate, valid for 3 years.  You will have three attempts to complete the exam. Note, this option is only available to individuals who have previously successfully completed the full IPCO course and are seeking renewal. 
      • If you do not successfully complete the renewal exam, you will be able to register for and take the IPCO training course. 
    • Register to take the IPCO training course. Register Here
    Cost:  The renewal is open to AHCA/NCAL members for $200 and non-members for $450. 
  • Contains 9 Component(s)

    The Clinical Considerations of Antipsychotic Medication Management Toolkit is a clinically focused resource containing steps and objectives, tools, and resources to assist facilities in meeting performance expectations and outcomes. Registration is free to AHCA/NCAL members.

    The Clinical Considerations of Antipsychotic Medication Management Toolkit is a clinically focused resource containing steps and objectives, tools, and resources to assist facilities in meeting performance expectations and outcomes. The model used for the toolkit framework is the Nursing Process, also referred to as the Care Delivery Process. The toolkit is designed to assist facilities in moving toward a more appropriate decision-making process for antipsychotic medication use. The various tools and resources may be used individually or in combination with each other to best meet your individual needs. However, it does not provide a comprehensive package of all aspects of care.

    Registration is free to AHCA/NCAL members 

    Follow the Instructions Below to Register: 
    • To avoid technical problems, use Google Chrome. 
    • Members will need to log in using their existing email and password first. 
    • Once you are logged in to the website you will be able to register by clicking the green register button at the top of the page. 
    • If you have forgotten your password click here
    • If you are new to the site, you can create an account here. Answer all fields on the create an account page- especially locating your company name. You can search by name or zip code. After creating an account, you will be able to register.
    Email if you need assistance.


    This toolkit and its associated content have not been approved by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) or any other federal or state agency. This toolkit is not intended as legal or operational advice, nor should it be relied upon as supporting documentation or advice with CMS or other government regulatory agencies. 

    Additionally, within this toolkit are examples of various evidence-based tools, some of which are trademarked or otherwise proprietary to the owner. For facilities that wish to explore adding these tools within their electronic health records, check with the owner regarding use requirements and permissions needed prior to using the tools.

  • Contains 1 Component(s)

    This webinar will review key take aways from a mindfulness-based stress reduction program as well as the impact that yoga has on resiliency, mental health, and wellness. ​This on-demand webinar is available free to AHCA/NCAL members.

    You are invited to partake in a webinar focused on well-being and resiliency. Everyone has been exposed to trauma including the trauma that happened during the COVID-19 pandemic. Everyone in our facilities across the country has been traumatized by the events that have occurred and will continue to occur. The Ying and Yang of the situation is that we need these extreme exposures and stressors to activate a unique opportunity for profound growth provided we have the tools to explore those opportunities. We need a paradigm shift that involves self-awareness, intentionality to move the needle, and engagement in practice.  This leads us to resiliency. Resilient people are better prepared to handle the stressors that enter our lives every day. People who are resilient have better mental health and well-being. What is the key to being resilient? Resiliency revolves around our ability to adapt to the changing environment, situations, and events that happen around us and the ability to reduce stress. This webinar will review key take aways from a mindfulness-based stress reduction program as well as the impact that yoga has on resiliency, mental health, and wellness.

    Objectives: After viewing this webinar, participants will be able to:
    • Explain what resiliency is, why is it important, and why now.
    • Describe the keys to improving resiliency among self and others.
    • Discuss strategies and learn gentle yoga and breathing techniques to reduce stress that you can adopt today.

     Speakers: Pamela Truscott and Tina Sandri 

    This on-demand webinar is available free to AHCA/NCAL members.

    Instructions to Register: 
    • To avoid technical problems, use Google Chrome. 
    • Members will need to log in using their existing email and password first. 
    • Once you are logged in to the website you will be able to register by clicking the green register button at the top of the page. 
    • If you have forgotten your password click here
    • If you are new to the site, you can create an account here. Answer all fields on the create an account page- especially locating your company name. You can search by name or zip code. After creating an account, you will be able to register for the webinar. 
    Instructions to Begin, after registering: 
    •  To open the on-demand webinar, click on the Contents tab. Click "view archived recording"
    • A copy of the presentation slides and handouts are also available to download here.
    Email if you need assistance. 

    © 2025 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved. Survey Preparation for the New Facilities Manager materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of the American Health Care Association.

  • Contains 1 Component(s)

    F812, Food Procurement, Store/Prepare/Serve Sanitary, continues to be in the top five citations each year. The regulation and guidance cover various aspects of food preparation, food safety, and kitchen sanitation. Through this session, learners will gain an understanding of the regulatory requirements in F812 and have an opportunity to think through real-life case studies related to this citation. This webinar was prepared by Gina Stella and Amber Pintar, with Health Care Services Group. This on-demand webinar is available free to AHCA/NCAL members.

    F812, Food Procurement, Store/Prepare/Serve Sanitary, continues to be in the top five citations each year. The regulation and guidance cover various aspects of food preparation, food safety, and kitchen sanitation. Through this session, learners will gain an understanding of the regulatory requirements in F812 and have an opportunity to think through real-life case studies related to this citation. This webinar was prepared by Gina Stella and Amber Pintar, with Health Care Services Group. 

    This on-demand webinar is available free to AHCA/NCAL members. 

    Instructions to Register: 
    • To avoid technical problems, use Google Chrome. 
    • Members will need to log in using their existing email and password first. 
    • Once you are logged in to the website you will be able to register by clicking the green register button at the top of the page. 
    • If you have forgotten your password click here
    • If you are new to the site, you can create an account here. Answer all fields on the create an account page- especially locating your company name. You can search by name or zip code. After creating an account, you will be able to register for the webinar. 
    Instructions to Begin, after registering:
    • To open the on-demand webinar, click on the Contents tab. 
    Email if you need assistance. 

    © 2025 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved. F812 Review and Practice Tips materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of the American Health Care Association.