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Contains 1 Component(s) Includes a Live Web Event on 03/14/2025 at 12:00 PM (EDT)
This webinar will equip you with practical tools and insights to make assisted living more accessible, sustainable, and affordable. This live webinar is available free to AHCA/NCAL members.
As the demand for assisted living continues to grow, affordability remains a significant challenge for seniors and their families. This webinar will explore innovative strategies to develop and sustain affordable assisted living programs, ensuring that quality care is accessible to those who need it most.
Join industry experts as we discuss:
- The need for affordable assisted living
- Integrated network systems to enhance efficiency and reduce costs
- Financing options, including public and private funding sources
- Key components of successful affordable assisted living programs
- Best practices for implementing and sustaining affordable assisted living programs
By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:
- Understand the key components of affordable assisted living
- Explore financing Strategies & funding sources
- Identify operational successes and integrated network systems as cost efficiencies
- Jill Schewe, Director of Policy & Regulatory Affairs with NCAL
- Katie Colgan, Executive Director, Network Development - Integrated Networks & Research with AHCA/NCAL
- Steve Kennedy, Executive Managing Director of VIUM Capital
- Julie Simpkins, Co-President of Gardant Management
This live webinar is available free to AHCA/NCAL members.
Intended audience:
- All those interested in learning about and/or creating affordable assisted living communities including providers, investors, policymakers, and advocates.
Instructions to Register:
- To avoid technical problems, use Google Chrome.
- Members will need to log in using their existing email and password first.
- Once you are logged in to the website you will be able to register by clicking the green register button at the top of the page.
- If you have forgotten your password click here.
- If you are new to the site, you can create an account here. Answer all fields on the create an account page- especially locating your company name. You can search by name or zip code. After creating an account, you will be able to register for the webinar.
Instructions to join, after registering:
- On the day of the webinar, you will be able to join 15 mins before. Log in and return to the contents page to open the webinar.
Email educate@ahca.org if you need assistance.
© 2025 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved. Affordable Assisted Living: Building Strategies for Success materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of the American Health Care Association.
- Member - Free!
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Contains 1 Component(s) Includes a Live Web Event on 03/05/2025 at 2:00 PM (EST)
This webinar will review key take aways from a mindfulness-based stress reduction program as well as the impact that yoga has on resiliency, mental health, and wellness. This live webinar is available free to AHCA/NCAL members.
You are invited to partake in a webinar focused on well-being and resiliency. Everyone has been exposed to trauma including the trauma that happened during the COVID-19 pandemic. Everyone in our facilities across the country has been traumatized by the events that have occurred and will continue to occur. The Ying and Yang of the situation is that we need these extreme exposures and stressors to activate a unique opportunity for profound growth provided we have the tools to explore those opportunities. We need a paradigm shift that involves self-awareness, intentionality to move the needle, and engagement in practice. This leads us to resiliency. Resilient people are better prepared to handle the stressors that enter our lives every day. People who are resilient have better mental health and well-being. What is the key to being resilient? Resiliency revolves around our ability to adapt to the changing environment, situations, and events that happen around us and the ability to reduce stress. This webinar will review key take aways from a mindfulness-based stress reduction program as well as the impact that yoga has on resiliency, mental health, and wellness.
Objectives: After attending this webinar, participants will be able to:
- Explain what resiliency is, why is it important, and why now.
- Describe the keys to improving resiliency among self and others.
- Discuss strategies and learn gentle yoga and breathing techniques to reduce stress that you can adopt today.
Speakers: Pamela Truscott and Tina Sandri
This live webinar is available free to AHCA/NCAL members.
Instructions to Register:
- To avoid technical problems, use Google Chrome.
- Members will need to log in using their existing email and password first.
- Once you are logged in to the website you will be able to register by clicking the green register button at the top of the page.
- If you have forgotten your password click here.
- If you are new to the site, you can create an account here. Answer all fields on the create an account page- especially locating your company name. You can search by name or zip code. After creating an account, you will be able to register for the webinar.
Instructions to join, after registering:
- On the day of the webinar, you will be able to join 15 mins before. Log in and return to the contents page to open the webinar.
Email educate@ahca.org if you need assistance.
© 2025 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved. Survey Preparation for the New Facilities Manager materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of the American Health Care Association.
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Contains 1 Component(s) Includes a Live Web Event on 02/21/2025 at 2:00 PM (EST)
Join AHCA staff for office hours on the Mandatory Off-Cycle Provider Enrollment Revalidation process. Learn from these discussion sessions on the latest CMS/Member Q&A in this evolving topic. This is also an opportunity for members to ask questions. Registration is open to AHCA provider members.
Join AHCA staff for office hours on the Mandatory Off-Cycle Provider Enrollment Revalidation process. Learn from these discussion sessions on the latest CMS/Member Q&A in this evolving topic. This is also an opportunity for members to ask questions.
There are three opportunities to attend the Provider Revalidation Office Hours. Members can choose from the following dates:
- November 15th, recording is available
Contact the AHCA Member Provider Enrollment Revalidation Helpdesk, email 855Revalidation@ahca.org.
Registration is open to AHCA provider members.
- To avoid technical problems, use Google Chrome.
- Members will need to log in using their existing email and password first.
- Once you are logged in to the website you will be able to register by clicking the green register button at the top of the page.
- If you have forgotten your password click here.
- If you are new to the site, you can create an account here. Answer all fields on the create an account page- especially locating your company name. You can search by name or zip code. After creating an account, you will be able to register.
Email educate@ahca.org if you need assistance.
© 2025 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved. Materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.
- Member - Free!
- *Further discounts may apply once you log in.
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Contains 6 Component(s)
The on-demand webinar, Preparing for Upcoming CMS Guidance Changes, walks learners through each of the changes to guidance, the updates to the Critical Element Pathways (CEP), and provides some tips/action items to remain compliant ahead of the effective date. This on-demand webinar is available free to AHCA/NCAL members and $65 non-members.
November 18, 2024, the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released Revised Long-Term Care (LTC) Surveyor Guidance: Significant revisions to enhance quality and oversight of the LTC Survey Process. The memo included significant changes to guidance in Appendix PP related to the regulatory areas updated. The changes will be effective, and surveyors will begin surveying based on the updated guidance, February 24, 2025. The webinar, Preparing for Upcoming CMS Guidance Changes, walks learners through each of the changes to guidance, the updates to the Critical Element Pathways (CEP), and provides some tips/action items to remain compliant ahead of the effective date.
This on-demand webinar is available free to AHCA/NCAL members and $65 non-members.
Instructions to Register:
- To avoid technical problems, use Google Chrome.
- Members will need to log in using their existing email and password first.
- Once you are logged in to the website you will be able to register by clicking the green register button at the top of the page.
- If you have forgotten your password click here.
- If you are new to the site, you can create an account here. Answer all fields on the create an account page- especially locating your company name. You can search by name or zip code. After creating an account, you will be able to register for the webinar.
Instructions to Begin, after registering:
- To open the on-demand webinar, click on the Contents tab. A copy of the presentation slides are also available to download.
- After completion of a brief evaluation, you will receive a certificate of completion to print. No CEs awarded upon completion.
Email educate@ahca.org if you need assistance.
© 2024 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved. Survey Preparation for the New Facilities Manager materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of the American Health Care Association.
- Non-member - $65
- Member - Free!
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Contains 4 Component(s)
Discharges, Making the Safest Transition for your Residents is a Webinar created by AHCA Regulatory staff to assist facility staff in understanding regulations related to planning, preparing, and discharging residents safely. The Webinar provides real-life scenarios of difficult discharge situations, and how to stay in compliance when these situations arise. This on-demand webinar is available free to AHCA/NCAL members and $65 non-members.
Discharges, Making the Safest Transition for your Residents is a Webinar created by AHCA Regulatory staff to assist facility staff in understanding regulations related to planning, preparing, and discharging residents safely. The Webinar provides real-life scenarios of difficult discharge situations, and how to stay in compliance when these situations arise.
This on-demand webinar is available free to AHCA/NCAL members and $65 non-members.
Instructions to Register:
- To avoid technical problems, use Google Chrome.
- Members will need to log in using their existing email and password first.
- Once you are logged in to the website you will be able to register by clicking the green register button at the top of the page.
- If you have forgotten your password click here.
- If you are new to the site, you can create an account here. Answer all fields on the create an account page- especially locating your company name. You can search by name or zip code. After creating an account, you will be able to register for the webinar.
Instructions to Begin, after registering:
- To open the on-demand webinar, click on the Contents tab.
Email educate@ahca.org if you need assistance.
© 2025 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved. Materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.
- Non-member - $65
- Member - Free!
- *Further discounts may apply once you log in.
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Contains 1 Component(s) Recorded On: 01/08/2025
Join hosts Pamela Truscott, Director of Quality Improvement at NCAL, and Tim Case, Administrator of the Quality Award Program as they guide you through the nuances of the Bronze application process. Registration is free for AHCA/NCAL Members.
Join hosts Pamela Truscott, Director of Quality Improvement at NCAL, and Tim Case, Administrator of the Quality Award Program as they guide you through the nuances of the Bronze application process.
Learning Objectives:
- Participants will become aware of ways by which the Bronze criteria can form the foundation for a robust quality improvement culture.
- Participants will become aware of key 2025 Bronze award dates and deadlines.
- Participants will understand ways to leverage the insight gained through the Bronze application to align management, the workforce, priorities, and quality efforts.
- Participants will complete or nearly complete responses to the 5-most missed Bronze criteria.
- Participants will be prepared to use the Bronze Series of videos to complete a full application.
1. Pamela Truscott, DNP/HSL, MSN/Ed, RN, C-CNL, C-AL, DNS-CT, QCP, RAC-CT, CDP, Director of Quality Improvement, AHCA/NCAL.
2. Tim Case, National Quality Award Program Administrator, AHCA.
Registration is free to AHCA/NCAL members. If you are not able to attend live, the recording will be provided to you. Follow the Instructions Below to Register:
- To avoid technical problems, use Google Chrome.
- Members will need to log in using their existing email and password first.
- Once you are logged in to the website you will be able to register by clicking the green register button at the top of the page.
- If you have forgotten your password click here.
- If you are new to the site, you can create an account here. Answer all fields on the create an account page- especially locating your company name. You can search by name or zip code. After creating an account, you will be able to register.
Email educate@ahca.org if you need assistance.
© 2024 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved. Materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.
- Member - Free!
- *Further discounts may apply once you log in.
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Contains 8 Component(s)
Surveys can be a highly anxious time, especially for staff in long-term care facilities. The AHCA Survey, Regulatory committee, created the Preparing Staff for Survey toolkit to provide quick, easy to use, Tip Sheets for training staff on the survey process. Included in the toolkit is a video to introduce staff to long-term care surveys, and individual tip sheets to provide to new staff, current staff, and specific disciplines. There is also a tip sheet included to prepare staff for surveyor interviews and infection control practices. By providing the training on what to expect, during a survey, buildings can educate staff, so they are better prepared for surveys. Registration is open to AHCA provider members.
Surveys can be a highly anxious time, especially for staff in long-term care facilities. The AHCA Survey, Regulatory committee, created the Preparing Staff for Survey toolkit to provide quick, easy to use, Tip Sheets for training staff on the survey process. Included in the toolkit is a video to introduce staff to long-term care surveys, and individual tip sheets to provide to new staff, current staff, and specific disciplines. There is also a tip sheet included to prepare staff for surveyor interviews and infection control practices. By providing the training on what to expect, during a survey, buildings can educate staff, so they are better prepared for surveys.
Registration is open to AHCA provider members.
- To avoid technical problems, use Google Chrome.
- Members will need to log in using their existing email and password first.
- Once you are logged in to the website you will be able to register by clicking the green register button at the top of the page.
- If you have forgotten your password click here.
- If you are new to the site, you can create an account here. Answer all fields on the create an account page- especially locating your company name. You can search by name or zip code. After creating an account, you will be able to register.
Email educate@ahca.org if you need assistance.
The learner must review the introduction video before advancing to the downloadable materials. A certificate of completion is available upon completion.
© 2024 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved. Materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.
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Contains 2 Component(s)
This guide was created to assist facility leadership (Administrators and DONs) in establishing, maintaining, and improving relationships between leadership and the facility’s Medical Director. The guide outlines regulatory requirements for policies and procedures, as well as how policies apply to Payroll Based Journal (PBJ) submissions. Job responsibilities are provided, per regulation, but facilities will need to tailor this information to meet the specific facility/resident needs. Best practices are included to encourage the strengthening of relationships with Medical Directors and provoke thought into how to establish and/or improve these relationships. Registration is free for AHCA members and $25 Non-members
This guide was created to assist facility leadership (Administrators and DONs) in establishing, maintaining, and improving relationships between leadership and the facility’s Medical Director. The guide outlines regulatory requirements for policies and procedures, as well as how policies apply to Payroll Based Journal (PBJ) submissions. Job responsibilities are provided, per regulation, but facilities will need to tailor this information to meet the specific facility/resident needs. Best practices are included to encourage the strengthening of relationships with Medical Directors and provoke thought into how to establish and/or improve these relationships.
Registration is free to AHCA/NCAL Members | $25 Non-members
Audience: Facility leadership, DONs, Administrators, and Medical Director
Follow the Instructions Below to Register:
- To avoid technical problems, use Google Chrome.
- Members will need to log in using their existing email and password first.
- Once you are logged in to the website you will be able to register by clicking the green register button at the top of the page.
- If you have forgotten your password click here.
- If you are new to the site, you can create an account here. Answer all fields on the create an account page- especially locating your company name. You can search by name or zip code. After creating an account, you will be able to register.
Email educate@ahca.org if you need assistance.
© 2024 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved. Materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.
- Non-member - $25
- Member - Free!
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Contains 3 Component(s)
It is critical for nursing centers and assisted living communities to address and mitigate resident-to-resident occurrences or potential incidents of resident-to-resident mistreatment. While mistreatment may or may not meet the definition of abuse, it would include negative and aggressive physical, sexual, or verbal interactions between long-term care residents that is unwelcome and have high potential to cause physical or psychological distress in the recipient.
It is critical for nursing centers and assisted living communities to address and mitigate resident-to-resident occurrences or potential incidents of resident-to-resident mistreatment. While mistreatment may or may not meet the definition of abuse, it would include negative and aggressive physical, sexual, or verbal interactions between long-term care residents that is unwelcome and have high potential to cause physical or psychological distress in the recipient.
- Conduct a thorough investigation with proper documentation, follow up, and monitoring and care planning as needed.
- Create a structured self-assessment process to address the resident-to-resident occurrence and minimize or mitigate similar events for all residents. This includes a need to:
- Document immediate interventions;
- Conduct a root cause analysis process to identify the specific/source, root cause or causal factor of the problem; and
- Identify future actions to ensure sustained efforts to identify and prevent potential resident-to-resident mistreatment.
- Identify existing AHCA/NCAL resources to support providers in addressing resident-to-resident mistreatment.
Note: These tools were developed by members of AHCA/NCAL’s Survey/Regulatory Committee to assist centers and communities in addressing adverse events and potential adverse events, documenting and tracking the steps they have taken, and identifying best practices for ongoing improvement. Use of these tools does not guarantee regulatory compliance nor mitigate potential liability. Providers should adapt their tools, policies, and processes as needed to ensure compliance with current federal and state requirements and use both professional judgement and the advice of legal counsel in determining whether or how to share these mitigation tools.
© 2022 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved.
All Provider Self-Assessment and Mitigation Tools for Resident to Resident Occurrences materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.
- Prices available after logging in
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Contains 1 Component(s) Recorded On: 12/19/2024
This short webinar will demonstrate the value of collecting data and will share how utilizing LTC Trend Tracker and the LTC Data Cooperative together can help your organization improve quality of care. This on-demand webinar is available free to AHCA/NCAL members.
Data plays a key component in our current landscape. There is so much data that it can be challenging to figure out what to collect and how to use it. This short webinar will demonstrate the value of collecting data and will share how utilizing LTC Trend Tracker and the LTC Data Cooperative together can help your organization improve quality of care.
Lonnita Myles, MBA
Pamela Truscott, DNP/HSL, MSN/Ed, RN
This on-demand webinar is available free to AHCA/NCAL members
Instructions to Register:
- To avoid technical problems, use Google Chrome.
- Members will need to log in using their existing email and password first.
- Once you are logged in to the website you will be able to register by clicking the green register button at the top of the page.
- If you have forgotten your password click here.
- If you are new to the site, you can create an account here. Answer all fields on the create an account page- especially locating your company name. You can search by name or zip code. After creating an account, you will be able to register for the webinar.
Instructions to Begin, after registering:
- To open the on-demand webinar, click on the Contents tab.
Email educate@ahca.org if you need assistance.
© 2024 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved. Survey Preparation for the New Facilities Manager materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of the American Health Care Association.
- Member - Free!
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