You must to Register, or Create Account
  • Contains 34 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This four-module course is designed to improve person-centered care for post-acute care (short stay) residents under the PDPM payment system.  Since the PDPM model was a wholesale shift in payment and delivery, initial training mechanisms focused on the new system components. Now that those immediate change needs have been adopted, education and training on best practices for implementing person-centered care should be reviewed to fully adopt CMS’s vision for the PDPM model. This course will define person-centered care and show how it is a key feature in PDPM and when implemented can improve care practices that lead to better patient outcomes. 

     Designed to be appropriate for all facility staff, the first 3 modules can be done as a team or individuals.  The final module consists of role-specific course content for either administrators, clinical professionals (Nursing/Rehab therapies), Nursing Assistants, or other essential facility staff.  The presentation modules and accompanying fact sheets, and either team exercise or case studies, are designed to promote team application of the concepts into their clinical practice and to elevate person-centered care throughout the organization.


    Course Objectives:  Upon completion, the learner will be able to:

    1.  Recognize how person-centered care is the core of the PDPM payment model.

    2.  Define the core components of person-centered care.

    3.  Consider best practices to incorporate person-centered care into everyday interactions and care plans for short-stay residents.

    4.  Identify tools to assess person-centered care practices.

    5.  Review the key components of teamwork and communication required for person-centered care.

    6.  Review of activities and other programs that can impact facility-wide adoption of person-centered care.


    $150 AHCA/NCAL Members

    $300 Non-members

    Discounts are available when registering five or more individuals. 

    Continuing Education:

    4.50 contact hours for nurses through the Iowa Board of Nursing.

    Need assistance? Email

    © 2022 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved. 

    All Person-Centered Care In A PDPM World materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.

    Cathy Ciolek, DPT, GCS, FAPTA

    President of Living Well With Dementia, LLC

    Dr. Ciolek is President of Living Well With Dementia, LLC- providing education and consultation to promote well-being and positive expectations for people with dementia.  She has nearly 30 years physical therapy clinical experience working with older adults across the continuum of care including as staff PT, Director of PT and Director of Rehab in a skilled nursing facility and a not-for-profit continuing care retirement community. She served as Regional Director for the Pennsylvania Restraint Reduction Initiative (PARRI) and as a faculty member in the Department of Physical Therapy at the University of Delaware. Additionally, Cathy is Board Certified Geriatric Clinical Specialist, a Certified Dementia Practitioner® as well as a Certified Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care Trainer®. She was recently recognized as a Catherine Worthingham Fellow of the American Physical Therapy Association for her advocacy efforts for older adults.

    How can an organization register as a group and pay?

    AHCA offers the following discount structure for groups: 

    • 5-9 - $10 off each
    • 10-19 - $15 off each
    • 20 or more - $20 off each
    Payment for group registration will need to be in the form of a check. To make the payment, follow these instructions:
    • Email to request a payment form. A representative at this email address will forward to you a payment form and spreadsheet. 
    • Both payment form and spreadsheet detailing individual registrants should be returned to
    • The payment form along with full payment should be remitted to AHCA/NCAL, ATTN: Finance Department, 1201 L Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005.
    • Once payment is confirmed and registrant information has been processed, individual registrants will receive an e-mail from with information to access the Training.

    Please contact if you have any questions.

    When purchasing online with credit card, follow the instructions below. Please note, this option is for groups with less than 5. The discount noted above will not apply. 

    Please use Google Chrome for the best user experience. One individual can purchase multiple registrations for more participants by adding them to their cart during the checkout process. Please note, for this option to work, every participant will need to have an ahcancalED account first. 

    To add several participants, please click the green button in the cart that says: 

     image . 

    You will then be able to search for more than one participant using their email address. If the person making payment should not have access to the course, then you can remove yourself by clicking the red "remove" button by your name.


    *Payment Tip: The price of the training will be based on each registrant’s member type (member or non-member). please be sure when you are paying with a credit card the bill-to and shipping address are the same* 

    If you need assistance, please email

  • Contains 3 Component(s)

    NOTE: The individual who wants to take the course must login to ahcancalED and register for the course under their individual login. With 48 hours, a second email will be sent from University of Colorado with your course enrollment link.

    The American Health Care Association and the University of Colorado (CU) RESTORE Team are pleased to offer High Intensity Physical Rehabilitation In Medically Complex Populations.

    Many older adults are at risk for functional decline due to underlying medical complexity, as well as deconditioning following a bout of inpatient care. This course will present an evidenced-based approach for the implementation of a high intensity progressive rehabilitation paradigm, offered as an evolution of current, lower intensity post-acute treatment approaches to address this constellation of needs. Rehabilitation professionals (Physical Therapist & Physical Therapist Assistant; Occupational Therapist & Occupational Therapy Assistant) will have access to an interactive multimedia learning experience including responsive, self-paced presentation of foundational concepts, simulated case scenarios, and a moderated discussion environment for learning with fellow clinicians - all informed by the latest learning science and innovative technology.

    Course Goals

    This course is designed to:

    • Inform evidence-based decision-making driven by high intensity principles
    • Provide practical tools for immediate integration of high intensity approaches into daily clinical practice
    • Empower learners with the confidence to update their current practice paradigm in the post-acute setting
    Course Objectives

    By the end of this course, students will be able to:

    • Screen all patients for safe participation in high-intensity rehabilitation
    • Establish an appropriate high-intensity plan of care for eligible patients
    • Execute effective and engaging rehabilitation sessions informed by high-intensity rehabilitation strategies
    • Perform ongoing monitoring of patient response to activity and adapt high intensity plans of care throughout the length of stay
    • Communicate and document completely and efficiently to facilitate continuity of care
    • Identify current gaps in care for older adults that high intensity rehabilitation can address and advocate for its use in the skilled nursing setting

    Registrants who successfully complete the 12-hour program will be provided the documentation necessary to submit to their respective state licensing boards for consideration for CE approval. 

    • $495 for an employee or contracted employee registering as affiliated with an AHCA member facility
    • $595 for all other non-member registrants

    All registration and payment questions done on ahcancalED can be directed to

    For questions pertaining to course content, course accessibility, technical troubleshooting, please email

    ABOUT RESTORE: The RESTORE team is a collaborative group of researchers, educators, and professionals within the University of Colorado Physical Therapy Program that seeks to transform the lives of older adults by helping local clinics integrate the latest evidence-based rehabilitation strategies into routine practice.

    RESTORE aims to help our clinical partners become leaders in quality care delivery by using personalized, progressive approaches to strength and balance training. At the core of this initiative is interactive, customizable online educational platform for training rehabilitation staff in rehabilitation strategies that achieve quicker, more effective, and longer lasting home discharges to drive higher quality care. This approach to rehabilitation is timely considering evolving changes in reimbursement for post-acute rehabilitation services, favoring more effective and efficient models of care delivery. 

    © 2022 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved. 

    All High-Intensity Physical Rehabilitation In Medically Complex Populations materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.


    Frequently Asked Questions

    What does the High Intensity Physical Rehabilitation in Medically Complex Populations Course include?

    In this course, rehabilitation professionals (PT & PTA; OT & OTA) will have access to an interactive multimedia learning experience including responsive, self-paced presentation of foundational concepts, simulated case scenarios, and a moderated discussion environment for learning with fellow clinicians - all informed by the latest learning science and innovative technology. 

    This course is designed to:

    • Inform evidence-based decision-making driven by high intensity principles
    • Provide practical tools for immediate integration of high intensity approaches into daily clinical practice
    • Empower learners with the confidence to update their current practice paradigm in the post-acute setting
    • High-speed Internet connection
    • Adobe Reader
    • Quicktime, RealPlayer, or Windows Media Player
    • Chrome or Firefox internet browser
    • Navigating online tools like Canvas, Slack, BranchTrack where components of the course are housed
    • Answering email
    • Disabling a pop-up blocker
    Do you have to be an AHCA member to register?

    No. Both AHCA members (employee or contracted employee identifying as affiliated with a specific AHCA member facility upon registration) and nonmembers are eligible to participate in the course.

    How much does it cost to take the training?

    Registration fee: $495 members, $595 nonmembers. Payment and registration is completed by individual participant in the RESTORE Registration product in ahcancalED.

    How can an individual register and pay for the course? 

    The individual who wants to take the course must login to ahcancalED and register for the course under their individual login.  Payment will be made in ahcancalED upon registration via credit card or E-check. Please be sure to have your credit card or banking information ready at checkout.

    After making payment on ahcancalED, registrants will receive an email with a subject line “Welcome to AHCA's High Intensity Rehabilitation (1 of 2)” that contains confirmation of payment and initial course enrollment instructions.

    How can an individual get access to the course after payment is made?

    After receiving your payment confirmation from ahcancalED, within the next 48 hours, registrants will receive an email with a subject line “Welcome to AHCA's High Intensity Rehabilitation (2 of 2)” that contains the course enrollment link.  Please watch this short video that explains the enrollment process you’ll complete once you receive that enrollment email.

    Who can I contact for help?

    All registration and payment questions done on ahcancalED can be directed to

    For questions pertaining to course content, course accessibility, technical troubleshooting, please email

    To avoid technical problems when paying for the course on ahcancalED, use CHROME. 

    Do not use Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer does not work well with this site.

    What are the Technology Requirements for the course?

    You should also be able to perform CU Denver learning platform basic technology-related tasks including:

    Note:  Canvas offers tutorials for navigating their online learning environment via the Canvas Student Guide (Links to an external site.)

    Can I get a refund on the course if I no longer want to take the course?

    If you did not begin the course, you are eligible for a 100% refund.  AHCA considers the course started when you have logged on to the CU Denver Restore Team course website for the first time.

    Can my registration be transferred to a colleague?

    Registrations cannot be transferred. The individual that registers for the course is the only one that has access to it.

    Who is eligible to take this training?

    This training is designed for the following categories of rehabilitation professionals (Physical Therapist & Physical Therapist Assistant; Occupational Therapist & Occupational Therapy Assistant).

    What are the requirements to successfully complete the course?

    This is a self-paced course; however, you must complete all modules to take the Post-Assessment/Final Exam. 

    How long does it take on average to complete the course?

    To foster integration of concepts with clinical practice, this course is best completed in an 8-week time span. However, it can be completed in more or less time, depending on the needs of the individual learner.

    Are Contact Hours awarded?

    AHCA will provide therapists and therapy/therapist assistants successfully completing the program sufficient documentation necessary for submission to their respective state licensing boards for consideration for continuing education (CE) credit approval.

    Should I contact my state licensing board before taking the course to be sure they will provide CE credits upon proof of completion? 

    Each state is different.  We recommend that you contact your state licensing board for specific details.  The PT and OT licensing board contacts for each state may be found here and with all other course materials on Canvas.

    If you need assistance with the payment process, please e-mail your questions to

    We will get back to you as soon as possible.

    If you need assistance with the Restore Course content and functionality, please email

    Where can I get more information on the course?

    For more information, visit the High Intensity Physical Rehabilitation In Medically Complex Populations product page or email




  • Contains 2 Component(s)

    This course is free and was designed to meet the critical staff shortages occurring as a result of COVID-19. You will need to register and create an account using your name and e-mail. Once you have created your account, you may complete the course on your own time, stopping as needed, and then rejoining the class wherever you left off. 

    Completion of this training is intended to prepare you to develop, manage and maintain a surge plan. 

    Key Takeaways 

    • Types of Surge (Begins at 9-minute mark) 
    • Components of a Surge Plan (Begins at ~10:48 minute mark) 
      • Space – Structure  
      • Staff – Identifying staff requirements 
      • Stuff – Equipment and Supplies Needed 
      • Systems – Policies and Procedures to keep residents and staff safe 
      • Safety – Providing a safe environment for residents, staff and visitors 
    • How to Develop your Surge Plan (Begins at ~16:55 minute mark)  
      • Understand the lifecycle of a surge event 
      • Include Infectious Disease Expert when developing plans, team effort to develop 

    Presented by RPA, a Jensen Hughes Company

    Main Office, 500 CrossKeys Office Park

    Fairport, NY 14450

    © 2022 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved. 

    All How to Prepare your Facility for Surge materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.

  • Contains 9 Component(s) Recorded On: 03/03/2020

    As concerns arise with the emerging 2019 Coronavirus, officially named COVID-19, AHCA/NCAL is working nationally with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to ensure our members receive necessary supplies and guidance to prevent the spread of this disease.

    This resource is free and open to AHCA/NCAL members in addition to the public. Membership to AHCA/NCAL is not required to access the materials however, you will need to create an account to identify your personal access to the materials. Learn how to create an account on the GETTING STARTED page. If you need additional assistance, please email

    © 2022 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved. 

    All COVID-19 Webinar & Educational Resources materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.

    Infection Preventionist Specialized Training (IPCO) Version 2

    $450 AHCA/NCAL Members | $650 Non-Members   REGISTER HERE

    AHCA Infection Preventionist Specialized Training (IPCO) is a specialized course of study for healthcare professionals who desire to serve as Infection Preventionists (IPs) as established in the CMS Reform of Requirements of Participation for Long Term Care Facilities. Through this program, individuals will be specially trained to effectively implement and manage an Infection Prevention and Control Program in a nursing center.

    It addresses both clinical and organizational systems, processes and cultural aspects of infection prevention and control which are fundamental to effectively leading and administering a center’s Infection Prevention & Control program. 

    5 ANCC approved contact hours and 22 NAB approved CEs are available upon completion.

    Infection Prevention & Control in the Post-COVID-19 World

    $199 AHCA/NCAL Member | $249 Non-Member    REGISTER HERE 

    Intended for Nurses, Administrators, Nursing Home Leadership/Management (Clinical & Non-Clinical Leaders). 3 NAB approved CEs are available upon completion.

    3 NAB approved CEs are available upon completion and 3 contact hours for nurses through the Iowa Board of Nursing.

    Infection Prevention and Control Core Practices for Managing COVID-19

    Free to AHCA/NCAL members   REGISTER HERE 

    This package includes six action briefs that focus on five key areas in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Action briefs are designed to be quick references to help long-term care providers with meaningful implementation and tips. Please reach out to AHCA/NCAL at with any questions.

    Basics of Infection Prevention & Control in the Post-COVID-19 World

    Free to AHCA/NCAL members & general public    REGISTER HERE 

    This course is appropriate for all people who work in nursing homes.


    Visit this website daily for the latest information that AHCA/NCAL has to share with our members about COVID-19. As concerns arise with the emerging coronavirus, officially named COVID-19, we are working nationally with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to ensure our members receive necessary supplies and guidance to prevent the spread of this disease.

  • Contains 4 Component(s)

    Post-acute and long-term care facilities provide care and services to vulnerable populations who may become critically ill when steps are not taken to reduce the risk of waterborne diseases. Healthcare facilities are integral to the health and well-being of the communities and residents they serve. In order to maintain daily operations and care services, healthcare facilities need to develop an effective water management plan to prepare for, respond to, and recover from a total or partial interruption of the facility’s normal water supply. The water management course will provide post-acute and long-term care facilities with information on what a water management plan is, how to identify the elements of an effective water management program, and how to develop and maintain a comprehensive water management program in your facility. 

    Audience: appropriate for both NF, as is required by regulation, and as best practices for AL.
    Module Outcomes:
    1. Describe what a water management plan is.
    2. Identify elements of an effective water management program.
    3. Discuss how to develop and maintain a comprehensive water management program for your facility.
    Registration is free to AHCA/NCAL members.

    © 2022 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved. 

    All Water Management Training materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.

    Pamela Truscott, MSN, RN, DNS-CT, QCP

    Director, Clinical and Regulatory Services

    American Health Care Association

    Pamela Truscott, MSN, RN, DNS-CT, QCP is the Director, Clinical and Regulatory Services with the American Health Care Association (AHCA).  She joined the AHCA family in June 2019 and has been actively involved with a variety of education, tools, and resources such as: trauma-informed care, behavioral health, functional outcomes improvement, and infection prevention and control.  Prior to joining AHCA, Pam worked for the Nebraska Health Care Association as the Vice President of Professional Development for seven years.  She is an active member of the American Nurses Association as well as the American Association of Post-Acute Care Nurses.  Pam has over 20 years of long-term care experience and shares a passion for growing education and cultivating new leaders in long-term care.  

    Linda Behan, BSN, RN, CWCN, CIC

    Senior Director of Infection Prevention and Control

    Genesis HealthCare

    Linda Behan BSN, RN, CIC is the Corporate Senior Director of Infection Prevention and Control for Genesis HealthCare.  Linda has been certified in infection prevention and control for over 10 years. She leads a team of Infection Preventionists in developing policies and procedures as well as developing and delivering education across the company.  Linda serves on the APIC Professional Development Committee and frequently presents at healthcare and professional organization conferences.

  • Contains 9 Component(s)

    Learn how to use LTC Trend Tracker as one of your tools for Quality Improvement. In these videos, you will learn how to utilize and modify the skilled nursing dashboard, provide an overview of several key LTC Trend Tracker features & reports, and uploading skilled nursing data. 

    Learning Objectives:

    1. Learn how to utilize and customize the skilled nursing dashboard
    2. Select benchmark groups to best demonstrate your facility’s strengths
    3. Understand the measures and upload data


    Lonnita Myles, MBA, Manager, Quality & LTC Trend Tracker, AHCA

    © 2022 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved. 

    All How do I use LTC Trend Tracker as a Skilled Nursing Facility? materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.

  • Contains 7 Component(s)


    How to Register in ahcancalED 

    Easy as 1, 2, 3 !


    Step 1


    Go to the ahcancalED site at log in using the orange button in the upper left hand corner.

    Use your usual user name and password that you would use for LTC Trend Tracker or the AHCA NCAL website.  

    Don’t have one or can’t remember?

    Click the log in button and follow the directions found under the search button that reads-“If you need help retrieving your Username or Password, click here”.

    *Please note* you must add your member facility name to your login

    Once you are in and can see your name in the upper left hand corner, you are ready to go.

    Step 2


    From the home page click on a category (Resources, Training, Webinars or Trending Now) For this demonstration, let’s try hovering over Webinars until upcoming webinars displays. 

    Under “upcoming webinars” go to a product in which you are interested. Click on the title.

    You’ll be redirected to the site where you can register for the product. This allows you to view the overview, handouts or resources associated with that product.

    Step 3


    Almost there!

    Click the green register button.

    Fill out the registration details and voila! The products are yours to use indefinitely and can be found in your dashboard.

    FYI: after registering, you will be automatically notified when the recording of the webinar is ready.

    Need further help? Email us at

    We’ll walk you through it.


    General Description: 

    Learn how to use LTC Trend Tracker as one of your tools for Quality Improvement. In these videos, you will learn how to utilize and modify the assisted living dashboard, customize the assisted living quality measures report, and upload assisted living data. 

    Learning Objectives:

    1. Learn how to utilize and customize the assisted living dashboard
    2. Learn how to customize and run an assisted living quality measures report  
    3. Understand the measures and upload data


    Lindsay Schwartz, Ph.D., Associate Vice President, Workforce & Quality Improvement, NCAL

    © 2022 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved. 

    All How do I use LTC Trend Tracker as an Assisted Living? materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.

  • Contains 4 Component(s)

    This PowerPoint presentation will provide the necessary information to inspect doors for safety. Take the quiz to demonstrate competency in this area.

    These materials have been updated as of 5/25/18

    Email if you need assistance.

    © 2022 American Health Care Association. All rights reserved. 

    All Life Safety: Fire and Smoke Door Inspection Training materials subject to this copyright may be photocopied or distributed for the purpose of nonprofit or educational advancement. The use, photocopying, and distribution for commercial purposes of any of these materials is expressly prohibited without the prior written permission of American Health Care Association.

Need Help?

For questions about your AHCA/NCAL account or content questions, email See our FAQ page to get answers to common questions.